Services :  Renewable Energy & Hydrogen

Floating Solar Testbed


PT Anglo Euro Energi Indonesia is collaborating with system integrators and research institutions to develop state-of-art PV Modules and Floating Solar Integration Systems.

Indonesia is looking to achieve a target of 23 percent renewable energy to generate electricity for its national grid by 2025. Anglo Euro prioritises Hybrid Solutions such as Hydro with Solar PV and storage to meet peak demand.

Floating Solar is rapidly growing worldwide and is now considered to be the third pillar of the solar industry, along with ground-mounted and rooftop PV.


AEEI has formed collaboration with technology providers for the production of Grey, Blue and Green hydrogen from sources of CO2 emissions via electrolysers and reformers for applications in industry, transportation, and energy sectors.

Commonly touted Green Hydrogen is too expensive at the moment. Indonesia with abundant natural gas, geothermal resources and oil & gas upstream and downstream industries are more suitable for the production of Grey and Blue Hydrogen for market commercialisation.

In addition, Anglo Euro Energi has formed strategic relationship with FuelCell Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: FCEL) for affordable fuel cell solutions for the supply, recovery and storage of energy. Utilising state-of-the-art fuel cells, FuelCell Energy SureSourceā„¢ plants provide environmentally responsible solutions for various applications such as utility-scale and on-site power generation, carbon capture, local hydrogen production for both transportation and industry, and long duration energy storage.